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Each month around here, I tell you all the books I have been reading. Why? Because choosing books to read can be hard and everyone needs a little book inspiration from time to time. 

I love to read. Books are my thing. We read a lot around our house. We talk about books. We listen to books. We read books and then watch movies. I am a big believer that loving good books are contagious. All you need some really good inspiration. 

I challenge myself to read a certain number of books each year. I try to mix it up between fiction and nonfiction. Up until a few years ago, I never read fiction. In 2010, I challenged myself to read 10 fiction books in one year. After that year, I was hooked. Fiction is now a regular part of my reading rotation. 

I'm on a mystery kick around here. I just can't get enough mystery novels these days. Isn't that how reading goes sometimes? You get stuck on a genre and just can't quit!

I keep finding myself researching more good mystery novels. Do you have a favorite mystery novel? I want to know what it is!!

I am linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy. If you looking for some more book inspiration, head over here! On to the report!

I See You
By Clare Mackintosh
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Zoe takes the same route to work everyday. She walks the same path to the train station. She sits on the same seat in the car. She is a creature of habit. She never expected that someone might be watching her. 

One night on her way home, she glances through the classified section of the newspaper and sees a picture of herself!

Zoe finds out other woman have appeared in these ads. These woman were victims of violent crimes. 

Zoe's world goes from calm and mundane to paranoia. Is she being followed?  She she next? This book is a page turner until the end. 

Clare Mackintosh is one of my favorite authors right now! I Let You Go is in my 10 Books to Read This Summer list. Grab it too. I loved them both!


A secret organization trains young spies. They are called Love Interests because their only job is get close to powerful people and steal secrets. 

Caden is nice. The boy next door who is kind and helpful. Dylan is bad: dangerous and handsome. They are both competing for the love of one girl. It is a live or die competition. 

This is the first time both boys have lived in the outside world for sometime. The freedom they earned is complicated and the competition is more intense than either one of them realized. 


A new social order has taken over the United States. A strict regimen is in place that follows the the book of Genesis word by word. Everyone has a role to play and no one is to question it. 

Offred is a handmade in this new world. She lives with her Commander and his Wife. Her life is no longer her own. She remembers the past but is bound to a new future she does not want. She misses her daughter and her husband, but she is desperately trying to stay alive. 



We recently put together a fun summer reading list.

Ten Books.

Ten great titles to take with you to the pool or on vacation. Some of my favorite reads of the year made it to this list. We hope you can find a book or two to read!

Check them out and let us know what you are reading! 

Source: http://melissavoigt.com